17 September 2009

Moving on soon !!

We're here in Maccie D's yet again ....... it's for the free internet ... honest !! We've had a very productive few days in Sydney. Having the hotel to go back to has been great, we practically slept the whole of the first day. Tuesday we had a walk around the City and used the present given to us by Mum and Dad Hines (thank you!). That was a Buffet Dinner in the Sydney 360 degree Restaurant located in the Sky Tower .... the same height as the Eiffel Tower ....... FACT !!! Oh and 50 giraffes ...... FACT !!!! Stuffed our faces that much we could only manage one plate of desserts ... very dissapointing.

We've set up an Aussie Mobile now and the number is +61401412977, we can get texts or calls on it. We've set up a bank account now and we bought a car ! We've got ourselves a green Ford Falcon estate, we call her Gracie B ... why? Because the lady we bought it from was called Grace and she had a beard, hence the "B" !!

We're just waiting for the call to say she's ready then it's Vrooom vrooooom up the east coast. We're aiming for Brisbane but not sure how far we'll get this arvo. Going to stay with Trevor & Joy (Ben's Uncle & Aunt), for a while. We've got a booklet on different campsites so we'll just pull over and camp when we feel like it, set off early tomorrow and get a fulls day driving in ...... ROAD TRIP !!

Ta ta for now, Ben & Claire xx

Next time we'll be signing off for three ... welcome Gracie B everyone !!

1 comment:

Nats said...

When do we get to see Gracie B??? xx