What a christmas morning it's been !! Well it all started last night actually when we got to talk to the gorgeous Noah and his mam and dad. Can't believe how much Noah can talk now, so cute! It was really nice speaking to Natalie and Jon, wish they were here to toast in Christmas with a ice cold Aspall's, but we'll save that thought for the summer (the British Summer, not the scorching Australia summer we're having right now!).
We woke up this morning and he'd been! Santa had dropped our presents under our twig, err, I mean tree! Lots of chocolate! Mmmmmmm chocolate. We'll be fat pigs next time you see us! Digger was also spoilt rotten with treats and things that squeak!
We went out this morning to meet the Calvin's. They're friends of Claire's Auntie Brenda and they really are the most lovely people. They invited us in and we got chatting straight away, there was lots of people there and I think every single one was from Whitehaven! It was strange hearing so many Cumbrian accents all this way away in Perth! (Nice though!) They were all interested in what we were doing and where we'd been. It came up in conversation that we didn't have a car anymore, next thing we know Mike jumps up and disappears for 10 minutes! He then returns with and calls me Claire out to the front of the house. As he hands us a set of keys and says "she's all yours, just return her before you leave for New Zealand!", we couldn't believe it when on the garden is an immaculate 1961 VW Beetle, completely original and in perfect condition.

I (Ben) thought he was joking, but oh no, he was deadly serious. "Just enjoy her and treat her as your own" were his words. We were speechless! Merry bloody Christmas indeed!
We're going to cruise down to Freemantle tomorrow in her and hang out on the Esplanade beach front looking cool ............... actually, looking super cool!
This afternoon will be spent mainly indulging in chocolate and Corona's, and probably popping out to the driveway to admire the Bug! Honestly, I'm still gob smacked!
Well, happy Christmas everyone, hope the big guy in the red suit brings you everything you wanted! Have a great day, especially you younger ones! Miss you all loads, lots of hugs and Christmas kisses coming to you from down under.
Love to you all, Ben and Claire x x x x

(Isn't she gorgeous!)
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