Howdy Doody Everyan !
How are you all ? We’re both fine thanks, well and truly recovered from the weekend ! We had a great time (as usual) since the last time we spoke. I had a great birthday and the fireworks were awesome. Me and Emma went and sat on the hill, down the road from where we live and watched the fireworks over the skyline. There was loads of people ! We had a great view and could even see Ben’s searchlight.

Me and Emma even managed to sneak a couple bottles of cider for watching the celebrations and finished our night with a Baskin Robbins ice-cream ....... much to Ben’s disgust ! Ben had a great show and got some good pics.

He came home early though cos he dropped a massive trolley on his foot. It was all swollen and bruised. He was given the next day off and made sure he put loads of ice on it and rested it. It’s all better now but lucky he didn’t break anything !
Saturday, me and Ben went for an early morning swim. We managed a whole 1km .... 20 lengths of the pool ... we were so chuffed we celebrated with a fry up at the cafe near it !! All that hard work aye??!! We called in at Blockbuster and got a couple of DVD’s out and got home and chilled.
Emma asked if we fancied going to Heirisson Island for a few beers and a walk around. It’s an island just off the Causeway and sits between South Perth and North Perth. In September 1984
the Government of WA erected a statue of aboriginal warrior Yagan on the island.

In 1997 the statue’s head was sawn off by vandals apparently in some sort of comment about the then current attempts to return Yagan’s head from Britain. We took Digs and walked around the riverside, seeing the families out fishing and even saw some people kayaking. We sat and enjoyed a beer before heading towards the swings .... so much fun !

We then walked under the causeway and headed onto the Island. It’s all fenced off because of the Wildlife that’s on the island.

We had a walk about and watched as the sun came down. We managed to spot some Grey Kanagroos, couldn’t believe that we used to walk passed them on our way into the city. There was about 6 of them and Ben got right close and got some good photos. So cool !

Sunday, it was an early start and kindly Emma got up and dropped us at the Boat Yard ready for our Private Charter to Rottnest. We got there super early so went for a cuppa to warm up before setting sail. We made our way back to where we had to meet, and Ben saw his Boss Jeff. He was aboard the Aussie Warrior.

There was about 30 of us altogether with Customers and Staff of Megavision. We waited as they loaded up the boat and then boarded. We sat and listened to the safety instructions and a brief talk from Jeff and then we set sail at 9am.

It was such a lovely day, not too hot. It took about an hour, probably felt longer for all the
women aboard feeling seasick ! We saw Rottnest and anchored down at a Bay called Parakeet Beach. We quickly got changed into our Boardies and donned our snorkelling gear. Snorkelling across to the beach, it was so cold but so cool ! Everyone got stung on the way over by some jellyfish, nothing too serious which was good news but enough to tingle for the rest of the day ! We had a few games of volleyball then headed back to the boat for some grub. A BBQ they’d put on, it was so nice. Washed down with some ice cold Corona’s. After dinner we boarded the dingy back over to the island where we all had a game of Cricket. Ben got some stick for being an Englishman and dropping the ball !! I just kindly reminded them about the Ashes, seems to shut them up for a while !!

It seemed like the day went so fast, we didn’t even get to have a walk about before the boat was back to take us back to the charter. We set sail back and landed back just after 4pm ish.

Me and Ben celebrated with an ice cream and then made our way to the bus station to take us to the train station. When we got to the train station we started talking to a lovely couple from Adelaide. They were here on holiday, as they’d gotten some cheap flights. When we got to Perth we invited them to join us at the British Pub for a drink and that turned into 2 and before we knew it we were at their apartment enjoying some bevvies there. Can’t quite remember what happened much after that but remember being a bit worse for wear when I got home !! Whoops !! Needless to say I had a day off on Monday to recover, but Ben made it .... not sure how, but he made it through the day ! We had such good night .... we think ?!
This is my last week at the Council and not sure if I’ll find out if the agency have anything for me until next week .... could do with not having to get up at 6.15am for a while !!
No other gossip at the moment really, just Ben’s job is starting to get busy now and he’ll be working most of the weekends. Not sure when we’ll be able to fit in the rest of our travels now. We haven’t even looked at anything for NZ yet cos we’re still here in Oz and don’t want it to end!
Take care everyone and speak soon ! xx
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