10 March 2009

First Blog !

Hey there, just sitting at work after setting up our Blog for our travels. Just thought I'd write the first message. Getting so excited about things but can't talk to anyone it's so frustrating !! I just want to tell everyone "I'm getting married next week and then going away for 10 months!" Not long til we can start telling people though and we'll both be able to sleep better at nights. Well we've got our Rucksacks sorted and sorted out which tent we are wanting to buy. We're in the process of selling our other 2 tents to fund the new one. Then probably insurance is next on the agenda. We'll then have to crack on with emptying the bungalow, lots of car boots sales coming up to try and get some more money saved. It's only because we're not coming back to the bungalow, who knows where we'll be when we get back .... we're just going to worry about that on the flight home !!
Well better get back to work. Not long now til we are actually Mr & Mrs Hines .... wow ... so exciting !!
by claire x

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