Yey everyan .... we got work !! Ben got the news first on monday (we could have actually found out friday night if we'd checked our emails !!). We were so excited, we celebrated with some white chocolate Tim Tams .... very nice ! We moved out of the old place on wednesday and was waiting for the train when I got a call from the recruitment agency telling me I had a job and wanted me to start a week on friday !! Yippee .... we were starting to worry a bit ... well I was !

The new place is awesome ..... the landlady Emma is lovely jubbly and she's got a dog ("Digger"), he's also lovely jubbly. We're sharing her apartment just on the outskirts of Perth in Victoria Park. It's about a 30 min walk, which we found out yesterday. We're dogsitting for her while she visits home next week and then again over christmas. The place is right near the train line so we can easily get into the city.
Ben's work is doing his AV stuff he did at home and me pretty much Accounts and Admin which is what I did at home (sometimes!). We're looking forward to getting into a routine and start to get some money in. We worked out what we need for New Zealand so we've got a target. Ben's got to work for 3 months so we've got to change our flight that we originally had booked (again!). My work is a temp until christmas, possibly a month afterwards depending if they get there member of staff back from hospital (hopefully not eh !?)
We had a walk into the city yesterday afternoon, our first time we've been in and not had to look for work ... use the internet, it was really nice. They've got the christmas decorations up and they look lovely ... although doesn't feel like christmas ! We sorted out some clothes for our jobs, still got some bits to get but hopefully having a day out in Freo on saturday. We're looking forward to doing some sight seeing again.
Nothing much to report, everythings going great. We're both fine, the weathers been a bit weird the past fews days. Raining and cold (you'll be pleased to hear!).
Emma's learning to play the guitar so Ben's happy at the moment. He's playing it at every opportunity.
Hope alls good at yam.
Blog soon Ben & Claire (& Digger!)
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