Well it's Saturday, we've both made it through our first week at work, though mine (Ben's) was only four days! I'm working for a company called MegaVision Sound & Lighting. So far so good. I'm mainly with the installations team, last week we installed a couple of Plasma screens and speakers in a few pubs/bars around Perth. The guys and girls there all seem really nice, think I'll fit in ok?! I'm not quite full time, but I work more than part time, last thing on Thursday they said not to come in on the Friday and have a long weekend. Apparently the time over New Years is hard work so they like to give you as much time off prior to that, they seem to really look after the staff. They've said they're going to purchase a couple of 'Cool Vests' for me and Scott (from Scotland) so we can cope with the heat better. It's basically a vest filled with cool gel that goes in the freezer over night and then you wear it all day to keep you cool. The other bonus is you get paid hourly, so I don't mind if I have to be in early or stay late, because you get paid for every hour you work, that's new for me!
Now my work (Claire). I'm working as a temp for Kelly's Recruitment in the City. It's for a 3-6 week contract for a company called ORS Group. It's something like Insurance for Jobseekers and stuff, don't quite understand. I'm working 9am - 5pm with half an hour lunch. I'm there to cover a girl thats going into hospital to have an operation. She's got to be off for 2 weeks and then see how she is, whether she can come back or not. So I could be finished in a couple of weeks or I could be kept on until after christmas ! Either way Kelly's will put me into another temp role. I've basically been watching Adriane all week, she's really nice and a good laugh. We work in an office with all women. It's alright, not quite what I was expecting to be doing in Oz. Was expecting more like fruit picking or McDonalds but the pay is good. It's not for long I keep telling myself. It's right in the city centre, which is handy but too handy. I just discovered an outlet village about 200 yards down from work and it's really cheap ! Unlike Ben I worked a full week .... ha ha ! On friday they had staff drinks and they all welcomed me in with a glass (or two) of wine. Got a massage booked in on tuesday aswell, another perk of the job .... really strange !
We've discovered Milo, we've been seeing it everywhere since we've been in oz but never tried it. Emma showed us how to drink it. 2 or 3 spoonfuls of Milo in a glass and pour ice cold milk over the top. Get a spoonful off the top of the glass, eat and then take a drink of the milk from underneath ..... lush !! I've joined a facebook group about Milo and they give different ways of eating/drinking it .... we're going to have some fun !
It's been a good week, Emma took us out to Feemantle Beach to walk Digger after work one night, watched the sunset, it was really nice. Emma left to go over to the East Coast on Wednesday so we now have the house to ourselves, she took the guitar though but left her uke!

Good thing about Ben being off on friday was I had my tea cooked for me which was nice but it didn't stop there !!! Oh No !!!! He'd only gone and made a carrot cake ....... a HUGE one at that too !! It was delicious, we had 3 slices of it each ........ very bad ! We're going to come back as fat as elephants ... we eat better here than at home.
Well it's saturday lunchtime that we're writing this. We're just going to have some lunch and then head off for a walk into Victoria Park. Get some shopping in cos the shops shut at 5pm tonight and don't open again until Monday .......... it's like going back in time ! Might even stop off at the pub that Ben was in the other day and have a pint (or two!).
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