G'day everyone,
Hope everyones ok. We're both fine, had some good days out and making the most of our last few days here in Oz.
Wednesday, I met Ben at Leederville when he finished work, we had a walk up and down the strip. It was a funky little place with loads of restaurants, even has Little Caesars ....... apparently the best pizza in WA ! It was closed though so we didn't get to rate it unfortunately. We didn't stay long there, it was really hot walking about so we caught the train back into the City.
First stop was Bobby Dazzlers and the place was decked out in Green, all the staff were dressed up for the St Patrick Day celebrations. Ben went for drinks and came back with 2 pints of 'Green' Bulmers. Every drink we had after that was green and we noticed everyone else's was the same. They put Green Food Colouring in the drinks, so cool ! We then had a walk down to the Moon and Sixpence, it was heaving and they had a live irish band in the garden. We listened to it for a little bit then walked down to Durty Nellies. Again we were a bit late and it was heaving, so we called into the Generous Squire for a swift pint before heading back to Bobby Dazzlers for some more greeness !! After a few drinks we decided to head back and have a drink with Emma at our local, The Victoria Hotel.
Ben was working Thursday but didn't have to be in until 10am so we had a bit of a lie in. It was Quiz night and we came 3rd ! We didn't have the help of Dean or Helen this week, so it was just the original 4. We didn't think we'd done very well but at half time we were joint first with another team. I even pulled out of the bag an old music questions ...... it was a guess which song from the intro and I got it right at "Simon Says!" ...... well I was impressed ! Ha ha. We're joining forces with another team for me and Ben's last night at the quiz. We need to come first and to beat the team that always comes first. We've even going to sit at there table to make it even worse. So hopefully we'll have 11 on our team, we've got to win with that many !
Friday was Casino night ! We were so nervous but excited. Ben was at work and got home usual time. We were chauffeured to the Casino by Emma and we hit the floor. It was massive and so busy. We made straight for the Buffet Carvery and stuffed our faces. There was loads to choose from and I even managed to stuff in 3 puddings, Ben could only manage a measly 2 ! That was it we hit the floor. Ben wanted to put his money into Texas Hold-Em poker so we headed for the Poker Room. Unfortunately there was a wait so we had a look around to see what was available. I decided to put some of my money on the Roulette Table and after watching for about 15 mins I paid my 20 bucks. Didn't win anything, realising this wasn't what we were going to win our millions on we headed back to the poker room and ben managed to get a table. I sat and waited at the sofa area, so much money was being played. After about an hour Ben came back, not smiling ! He didn't get any good hands and was out, so disappointing ! We still had some money left and decided to have a go on the slot machines, there was thousands of them. I put my 10 bucks into the machine and pressed go, we didn't have a clue what to do but then it starts flashing and saying we'd won 13 free games. The machine starts playing on it's own, winning every time and our winnings kept going up and up. Ben ran off to get a cup to put the money in and by the time he got back it was at $141 !! We were so excited ! We quickly pressed collect and it all dropped out in $1 coins ! All in all we left 50 bucks down and got home at 2am.

Saturday was a lovely day, we caught the ferry to Fremantle. It took us right along the Swan River all the way past all the posh houses.

We even got to see some dolphins again. It took about an hour and we had a small walk to get to Freo. We went straight to the pub, the Sail and Anchor and managed to get some seats on the balcony to watch the Buskers. We had just missed the Badpiper and caught the act 'Dreamstate". A couple who did acrobatics and juggling, they were so funny too.
We decided to head down to Little Creatures for our tea and then caught the train home.

Sunday, our 1st Anniversary and unfortunately the Mr had to go to work. He was there 9am til 12, so we still had the rest of the day to do something. We went to Woolies and got some picnic stuff in and headed down to the Swan River. It felt like a stormy day and was really humid but sitting down by the river there was a nice breeze. We sat and watched the Wake Boarder on the River and the people walking there dogs and cycling round. Ben even got to speak to his nephew Charlie, who was a big 5 yesterday !! He was too busy playing his Crash Bandicoot on the Playstation though ! Happy Birthday Charlie, hope you had a lovely party xxxx
We headed back just before it started to get dark and missed taking pics of the best sunset by the river! We could still see it but just behind all the buildings. The whole sky was lit up lovely.

We got back just in time for the Biggest Loser Weigh In. It was the perfect Anniversary weekend, thanks to everyone who sent us a card and thank you for your congrats wishes .... so kind !
Ben's working every day this week, even the weekend...... our last full week in Oz ! Birthday boy tomorrow, we're heading to the local Mexican for our teas. Nothing much really planned this week, apart from our last Quiz Night on Thursday. Hopefully Blog you with some good news !
Thanks again for all your messages. Take care and speak soon. xxx
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