G'day everyone, we're writing this on our Labour Day Bank Holiday. Ben's playing the guitar beside me. We're just having a lazy day today, recovering from our time at Freo. We've just watched some DVD's, Bronson and Van Diemens Land. Bronson awesome ! Van Diemens land ..... well should have known when it said it was the modern day "Deliverance!" ....
Had a great week. Went to the beach with Emma and Digs last week and watched the sunset. We did go dressed for a swim but it was so windy and the waves were a bit wild. We had a paddle instead though.
We had the quiz on thursday night again and the poms Helen and Dean turned up to give us a hand. Lucky they did we came 2nd again! Better than the 2nd last, last week ! We got our drinks voucher again, so exciting ! Although we didn't celebrate with ice cream this time, just went home for some more drinks instead.
Ben was working saturday for a few hours again and got home at 2pm. We packed an overnight bag and caught the train to Fremantle. Got there at about 4ish and made straight for the Hostel to drop our bags. The hostel room was rubbish, overlooking the drinking area of the hostel and no air conditioning or ensuite ! We quickly left our bags, not even getting changed out of our shorts and headed out. We called in at the Sail and Anchor pub and then headed on to Little Creatures for some tea.

We weren't really sure what we were going to do and ended up going to a Comedy Night which was on in the Little Creatures Loft. We met a guy called Woody from Brisbane and he had the best mustache in the world ! He sat with us to watch the comedy show and yes because of his mustache we got picked on !! So funny. We're a bit blurry about what happened next but we ended up at the Sail and Anchor Pub again. We caught the end of a band, which were really good and then walked back to the hostel.
Sunday morning we awoke and were feeling a bit shady so we decided to go and find somewhere for a sit down and to have some decent breakfast. We decided to stop at a cafe by the side of the road and watch the people go by. Freo is such a great place, just has a laid back atmosphere. We ordered our stodge and sat and watched the world go by.
After breakfast Ben mentioned about the Fremantle Prison, so we had a walk around the indoor market and headed to the prison.

We were just in time for the first tour that was on called the Doing Time Tour and our guide James took us into the Reception area of the prison to start this.

We were lead round and shown the different cells and divisions of the prison. There was 4 Divisions altogether and even a womens prison behind the mens. It was closed in 1991 and is currently applying for heritage listing. We were shown the prison kitchen and the places where the prisoners would exercise.

We were even shown the Gallows .... complete with noose ! Very cool !! They would bring prisoners here to be hanged and this would happen at 8am on a monday. There was even a women hanged here.

We stayed for the next tour which was called Great Escapes. We were again lead round by James and were told Escape Stories of some of the prisoners. We were even shown prisoners cells which had been painted by the inmates. On this tour we got to go up into one of the guntowers, from here you could see 360 degree views of the prison.

We were there for about 3 hours and it was so great. It was very hot walking round, so we decided a drink was in order at the Sail and Anchor pub ...... we were on our holidays !! We got a cider and sat and watched the Freo Buskers outside ....... Matty Blades and Mickey J. We even got to see the local drunk being run over by an angry guy in a wheelchair. It was hilarious, people were trying to stop the guy in the wheelchair and he was trying to run them over instead. The drunk was sitting right in the middle of the buskers area and was playing spoons badly and drinking his Goon (cheap boxed wine). Eventually the drunk was bribed away with cash and we could watch the buskers again. We decided we would head back down to Little Creatures for some tea before heading back to Perth. It was so busy and we got to sit outside in the sun and eat our tea. We even managed another pint !!
We left there and collected our bags from the Hostel and made our way back to the train station. Luckily there was a train in and we boarded. We got into Perth to see our train was in and 1 min left to board. Ben legged it and left me lagging behind. I was exhausted but made it through the doors with seconds to spare .... I was like Indiana Jones without the hat !
We arrived back to home and both just crashed ! We just missed the start of Biggest Loser AND it was weigh-in ... we were gutted ! We managed to stay awake until the end and watched the beginning of it online before heading off to bed. It was 8.45pm when we got to bed and didn't wake up this morning until 8.30am !! Lightweights !!
Emma was working today so we decided a chill day was in order and chilled we have. It's 37 out there today !! We did manage to go out for our shopping and to pick up the dvd's.
It was the last day of summer here yesterday and now it's autumn.
We're both fine, both working this week .... although a short one!! I will be wearing my Finance hat .... they asked me to help them out this week !! Jack of all trades by the time I finish ....... if I finish, they might not let me go !
Hope everyones good at home. Sending our love to everyone.
Lots of love, us two xx
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