Hello everyone and Happy St Patrick's Day to you !!
Hope everyone's ok, we're both fine.
We haven't really been anywhere much as Ben's been working. We made it to the quiz last week and managed a very poor 2nd last ! None of us were into it that much, we didn't have the usual Quiz Host Mark and the other guy was boring. It went well over usual finishing time and we were all knackered, hopefully we'll do better this week. We've all said we need a first before we leave, this weeks going to be our best shot because we get bonus 5 points for coming 2nd last ! We also got a drinks voucher, so it's not that bad coming in that position !
Ben was working on friday night and Em asked if I fancied a pizza for tea. Off we trotted to Avanti's up the road and we sat outside listening to the live music coming from the Victoria Hotel over the road. Ben even managed to get away for an hour to come and enjoy a pizza for his tea before going back to work again.
Me and Emma found a car boot sale advertised for the saturday morning and immediately set to work loading up the car. It was an early start on the sat 6am !! Poor Ben, we didn't see him again until 4ish that day. We drove to a place called Kwinana, about 30 mins away. It was a very strange place and was packed with Poms !! We do love a good car boot sale !! Everyone was British, I've never seen so many in one place before. We did ok at the car boot sale and managed to get rid of the big items. We got home just after 12ish and we crashed in front of the telly until Ben came home. Ben was home and then went out for an hour and then came home again. He was to go out at 11pm so he didn't quite enjoy his saturday evening as much. He wasn't home until 4.30am sunday morning and was then out to work again at 8.30am ! Poor Ben. He was home for 1ish though and we went to the pub for a well deserved pint and some dinner. We got some DVD's and crashed on the sofa for the rest of the day.
Ben was working monday and I started my Lady of Leisure routine !! I was finished at the council on friday. I got a bunch of Lillies (very beautiful) and had a morning tea ! The Aussie's do love a morning tea ! I felt really sad to be leaving there, it was such a great place to work. I said that I was available in case they needed me for a couple of days up until we leave so we'll wait and see if they do. I'm going to meet my recruitment lady, Sarah for a coffee before I go too.
I have started my exercise .... ha ha, well dragging Digger round the Park. We walked Ben to the train on monday morning and then carried onto the Park. We did a couple of laps and then headed back to collapse for the rest of the morning. I could hardly walk the next day.
Tuesday Ben was given the day off work so we started it with our walk around the park with Digger. We then caught the train to Mandurah, a small town near Fremantle. We found a coffee shop overlooking the Bay when we got there and enjoyed a Brew and a slice of cake.

We saw some dolphins in the Bay, about 5 altogether just swimming and jumping in the water .... very cool !

We didn't think we'd have saw something like that and thought we should have brought our swimmers ! We had a walk around Mandurah and then caught the train back to Rockingham. We had a walk around there and had some dinner.

We decided we'd go to the cinema but the showing wasn't until 6.30pm so we headed to the beach. We caught the bus and had a walk along the front by the beach. It was lovely, just a small strip on sand up along the gorgeous water. Took us ages to find a pub so we could sit and enjoy a beer and watch the world go by.

We caught the bus back to the Shopping Centre and bought our Gold Class tickets to watch Green Zone. We weer then shown through some glass doors into a lunge area full of leather chairs. Ben went to the bar and ordered our complimentary drinks for movie and some popcorn. We then bought a couple of beers and waited to be called into the showing. We made our way through and sat in an exclusive lounge to watch the film. It was 2 Leather Loungers with a table in between us. A button on the table for when we wanted a drink or food, just press it and the waitress comes along. We could push a button and the chairs go back, it kept Ben amused for ages ! It was the best way ever of watching a movie ! Just a shame the movie wasn't all that, but the experience was awesome ! Definitely worth paying the extra !
We made our way back to the Bus Stop and got back in time for the next train home. We were so tired and the journey seemed to take for ever. We got home just after 10pm and we just crashed. Luckily Ben got a text o say that he wasn't needed into work until 10am so he even got another lie in ! He's working until 3pm so I'm going to meet him in town and we'll go for a couple of Guinesses ..... would be rude not to today !
Hope everyones ok ! Take care and speak soon xxxxxx
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