14 June 2010

Quad Day ..... vroom vroom !!

Wahoo, Quad day has finally arrived! After breakfast and a quick dip in the hot pool for Ben and Dad, we all made our way to the Rotorua City Centre. We had a quick walk around the market and then grabbed a brew before having an early lunch.

It was then time to drop the girls off at the shops and the boys went off to Quadzone for our 2 hour off road Quad experience.

We got kitted up and found out we were the only 2 on the course!! Awesome!! A few practice laps and we were off. Our guide led us up the mountain. Oh my god!! We were off like three rockets, our 350cc beasts really flew, seriously quick, it was awesome!!

Over the 2 hours we made our way through fields of cows, sheep and holes, it was brilliant. Then we were into the woods, through mud, over humps, onto two wheels the works!! I got stuck in the mud but a push from behind with a 700c got me up the mud hill.

We stopped off for a couple of times, we were both grinning from ear to ear and all Dad could say was “Living the dream, WOO!”, it was true! We had a fantastic time, we were filthy by the end of it, brilliant!

We’d met the girls back at the coffee shop, we still had the muck on our faces, we wanted to keep it on. The girls had a great time in and out of all the shops. We couldn’t stop smiling about it all day, awesome experience!!

When we got back to the campsite me and Dad hit the Spa and eased our bones. We needed to get away from the girls too as they were starting to complain about us talking about it all the time!! After the spa we hit the swimming pool and then just chilled back at the Camper for the evening. What a day!!

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